By making your home more eco-friendly, you can help reduce plastic waste and pollution, as well as live in a safer, healthier environment. It’s easier than you think! Here are some simple, sustainable ways to green-up your home, one room at a time. Best of all, none require more elbow grease and they won’t break your budget. In fact, they will most likely save you time and money in the long run.
When it comes to generating household waste that needlessly ends up in landfills, kitchens are one of the primary culprits – and one of the easiest to remedy. Here are just a few of the ways you can reduce waste.
In days gone by, the pantry was also known as a larder, a cool area for storing foods, and where raw meat was “larded” or preserved and stored in fat. Most everything else was stored in tightly sealed glass or tin jars. In comparison, today’s pantries tend to be smaller – and full of plastic. How much plastic is hidden behind your pantry doors? Here are several ways you can affordably upgrade to more sustainable, eco-friendly products.
Reducing waste in your bathroom doesn’t require a costly remodel. Small changes in the products you use will make a big difference you can feel good about.
Where does the laundry come from?! No sooner do you think you’re caught up, another load appears. That adds up to a lot of detergent, bleach and softener going into the environment, not to mention the plastic jugs they came in and the chemicals used to produce them.
Reducing waste doesn’t mean buying new or more; it means taking eco-conscious care of what you have. We can help! Most traditional cleaning products use chemicals and other irritants that can cause health issues like asthma, allergies, headaches, and more. Here are a few options to help you create a clean, safe, more relaxing living and dining room.
You and your loved ones spend nearly 1/3 of your lives in a bedroom, so you want those rooms to be both comfortable and safe. Here are a few simple suggestions to help you take care of yourself, your family and the planet, without a huge financial investment.
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