We have all seen ads for various online marketplaces that say you’ll save money on healthy foods, natural cleaning, and household supplies with a membership and additional savings. Over the holidays we monitored multiple sites to confirm these claims so we can show you how much better you have it when you shop with us. We have done the math and can say without a doubt when you shop at CaliforniaHerbanLife.com you will make your dollars go further and nourish your new you this year, plus you’ll earn rewards on every order not just those gimmicks of buy 4 and get cashback offers. We award you for shopping with us on every order while you save on top of it.
We compared these popular brands against two other marketplace shops:
- Dr. Bronner’s Toothpaste
- Andalou Naturals Deep Body Lotion
- All Good Body Serum
- YumEarth 5oz Candy
- Childlife Essentials Liq. Calcium
- u-Konserve Round 8oz.
- Food Huggers Terra Cotta
- Sunwarrior Protein Powder 1.65lb.
Their Price
- $7.99
- $12.99
- $29.99
- $7.69
- $22.39
- $14.99
- $16.99
- $55.69
Our Price
- $7.95
- $12.95
- $28.95
- $7.95
- $21.95
- $14.95
- $16.95
- $44.95
Our prices include shipping and handling fees and applicable taxes, compared to them, who tack on shipping unless you spend a minimum of $45 and pay a monthly membership fee of an average of $6.95 depending on the marketplace. Now before you jump in and say, “Well you can’t compare to Amazon”, you are correct because Amazon has the facilities to house these products in bulk, and then with their total membership 180.1 million in the US alone. No one can compare to that, but we aren’t claiming to compete with them. What we do is research each brand we choose to sell to ensure the brand is delivering its promises and meeting our standards of clean ingredients and sustainability with a mission to support fair trade, b-corp companies and put people over profit.
So this year when you’re looking to stay on a budget while choosing products that are clean and healthy, choose to Nourish your new you with California Herban Life.